Friday, September 21, 2012

Second Day of School means...Field Trip Day :)

We had friends invite us along for an adventure with some other homeschoolers to the Heard Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary.  I thought about it a bit since it was going to be our second day at establishing a routine, but decided we should join in the educational fun.  We carried a picnic lunch and ventured off to our destination.  We had lots of fun exploring and being with other kids.  Micah loved being around the big boys and having adventures.  Here are some things we saw...

a clam shell that could eat Eisley!

      She liked the snake! Yikes!                                                             Butterfly house

A rare moment when I caught up with him on the trails. :)

So many neat things to see, but no way to get around in the stroller, so we weren't able to do more than one of their trails before Heidi's legs were tired.  Eisley was getting a little heavy to tote as well. ;)  We had a great time spending time with friends and exploring the outdoors with great weather.

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