Tuesday, October 9, 2012

MFW: Creation

We have finished up our first study with our new curriculum, My Father's World.  I am adding lots of different activities to go along with what we have.  Micah had a good time and has started to adjust to our work schedule.  He is moving along really well because of his focus and diligence.  We are getting better at communicating to each other as we work, and he is beginning to understand how I work and what I expect.

We are discovering that the Kindergarten year of curriculum is probably too easy (at least here in the beginning), so we do it for part of the day.  The other part of the day is spent working on math and reading skills and exploring interests that bring about learning that one might not classify as school.  For example, right now Micah is on the floor working in a Cars sticker book matching silhouettes of Mater, Lightning and the gang to their sticker and creating story scenes.  It might not be labeled as school by some, but he is learning about reasoning and creativity as he plays.  :)  Here are some pictures of him in action:

Hot Dots-he LOVES and begs to do these!

A finished puzzle-so proud!

His Daily Notebook-has calendar activities...we will expand this as the year progresses

Working on his Creation Book.  He drew Adam and Eve, a cheetah, a zebra, and a mouse.  He has the zebra saying, "Yikes!" as the cheetah pursues. :)

Heidi is eager to join us as often as she can.  She wants to "do school" all the time.  I have made her a notebook to work on letters and numbers.  We try to find as many hands-on things to keep her busy learning and feeling included. :)

Her notebook--the pages are in page protectors and she colors them with dry erase markers

Coloring her princesses

Kumon Workbook-Let's Color

LeapPad time

I have been trying to get them outside enjoying the weather before it gets too cold for outside times.  There's not much to do in the backyard, so we have to make our fun.  Here they are jumping pool noodles.  Yep!  We are crazy around here. ;)

And, soon after, they become swords and lightsabers! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Second Day of School means...Field Trip Day :)

We had friends invite us along for an adventure with some other homeschoolers to the Heard Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary.  I thought about it a bit since it was going to be our second day at establishing a routine, but decided we should join in the educational fun.  We carried a picnic lunch and ventured off to our destination.  We had lots of fun exploring and being with other kids.  Micah loved being around the big boys and having adventures.  Here are some things we saw...

a clam shell that could eat Eisley!

      She liked the snake! Yikes!                                                             Butterfly house

A rare moment when I caught up with him on the trails. :)

So many neat things to see, but no way to get around in the stroller, so we weren't able to do more than one of their trails before Heidi's legs were tired.  Eisley was getting a little heavy to tote as well. ;)  We had a great time spending time with friends and exploring the outdoors with great weather.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

So, we begin. First Day of School 2012

 Micah-man is officially a Kindergartner!  I struggled for a long while with whether to choose a curriculum for this year or make something myself.  In the end (and after talking my thoughts out with a sister-in-law), I decided to try out My Father's World.  We will also supplement with lots of other things.  We will have calendar time, a daily learning notebook, and anything else I find along the way that sounds like something we might enjoy.  Micah is already plugging right along and has matured a lot over the summer.  I can already see that we are going to learn lots about each other this year. ;)
  My hope and prayer is that we keep the learning fun, and that he discovers a love of learning.  I pray that he learns lots about the One who created him and draws closer to Him each day.  I pray he seeks to love and nurture his sister instead of just bossing them. :)

  Heidi will be along for the ride this year as she insists upon school any time Micah and I sit down. ;)  We will be having lots of fun as we explore coloring, cutting, and gluing and learning shapes, numbers, and letters. We will use things I have used in the past with Micah.  I get LOTS of great resources from Confessions of a Homeschooler, 1+1+1=1, and Homeschool Creations.  That is just a few of the places I am constantly reading and getting ideas.  They are awesome ladies who are making these things for their own kiddos and sharing it with us gals trying to figure it all out. :)
  For Heidi, I pray that she continues to be a sweet, gentle little lady that loves her big brother and nurtures her little sister.  I pray that she continues to love Jesus and desires to learn more about him.  (She is so excited to be in Cubbies this year in AWANAS!)

This little bear will make sure we are getting it all done while being quiet during nap time and entertaining her when she's awake.  It it going to be lots of fun!  :)  I pray that Eisley begins to learn a little bit of patience as Mommy focuses on more than just her. ;)  I also pray she keeps her playful disposition and finds fun throughout this whole new part of life.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Back to Blogland OR Starting Over

Jonathan has let his site go and so mine goes with it.  I have wanted to start fresh with mine for a long time, but decided to wait until school started for Micah  Well, here we are.  Tomorrow, we are starting kindergarten!  I am so ready to start a routine and get into school with Micah.  I am not too sure he is as anxious to begin.  This summer, we have permitted more TV than we should have and he will be sorry to see it go. :)
So, this will be a chronicle of our lives at home and what we are learning and doing for school.  Not too different from before, except more posts and more school. :)  I'm not looking for lots of readers or anything. This is just a way to share what we are doing, and to be able to look back and see where we have been as we learn and grow.  I have missed my other blog, but I didn't have time for it in that season.  I am hoping that I can include this in my school time schedule with Micah.  :)  So, see you again soon as we post our first dy of school fun.